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Upgrade your B2B SaaS Onboarding: Six Keys to Faster, Smarter & Personalized Experiences.

Customer onboarding

Onboarding automation

Onboarding personnalisation

"At MeltingSpot, we believe that when a company welcomes and integrates a new customer, nothing should be left to chance. A poor first impression can drive users away and cause early churn.". This is the purpose of this ebook.

Mapping Customer Onboarding Journey



Customer onboarding journey

By completing this form, you will receive a detailed and personalized mapping of your onboarding and education journeys for your clients and end users. This tool will save you valuable time and help improve your customers' experience while accelerating their product adoption.

Digital Customer Education: How to keep your end-users engaged?

Digital customer education




61% of B2B buyers prefer to be trained to solve their problems independently. In the SaaS world, this proportion even rises to 70%, according to Gartner. Behind these numbers lies a reality: customers expect to be educated. They want to meet their own needs, at their own pace. This is the purpose of this content.

Insights from 2500+ CS Leaders worldwide



Digital Customer Success

✅ Discover the Final Report from our "State of the CS Nation" Survey, conducted with over 2500 CS Leaders worldwide.